Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Be a Fountain not a Drain

I love this quote. I wish everyone around me would follow it.

It's sooo taxing to be around a drain. They just sap your reserves and wring your soul of all spiritual hydration. They make you feel like you're circling down the pipes along with all the sludge and gook and bugs that you were too hesitant to smush. Only to wind up in the garbage disposal that will be forgotten to be turned on for at least a week because, let's face it, happy homemaker you're not.

Uck! It's disgusting down here. Get me out!

But, oh crap... wait! Today I was the drain.  And, I dragged everyone in my path down into my hairball and leftovers lair with me.

It feels shitty to be the drain.

I'm known for being a fountain a better percentage of the time. I try to be humble of this reputation since my innards betray my outtards more often than I'd like to admit. But, being a fountain is rewarding.

You hydrate others instead of parch. You cleanse instead of muddy up. You bring life instead of making others wish death (...on you.) I enjoy my fountain days. They give me purpose on a path that's otherwise not so clear.

So, when a fountain becomes a drain it can feel like this:

When a fountain becomes a drain on Day 2 of "shark week", it's a little more like this:

That's poo water, friends. POO water!

So far, today, I've poo-watered a good friend with a rude remark, I poo-watered all my co-workers with my crabby attitude, I poo-watered the IT department when my computer at work decided poo-water on me.

It was a bad day of fecal proportions and I'm now locked inside my home until morning so I can't possibly poo-water on any innocent passers-by for the rest of the day. I'm poo-watered out!

But you know who got poo-watered on the most? It was me.

My friends and co-workers have already forgotten this day. (Or, at the very least, are now relieved I've gone away.) My job will still be there tomorrow. Nobody died. Nobody cried. (Well, maybe "the drain" did a little. I'm soft.)

The nice balance in life is that when you have a day where you just feel stuck being the drain, God sends fountains along to keep your plumbing in order.

Thank you God! And, thank you fountains!

Fountains can't always be fountains 100% of the time. And, drains sometimes just need a little filtering in order to run clean again.

One day was enough for me on sewage duty. I've had my fill!

So, have no fear friends, family, and co-workers... I'll do my very best tomorrow to be sure my pipes are running clean. (Last plumbing pun, I swear.) There may be a drain that needs a fountain tomorrow. (Okay, one more.)